Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Question One : In what ways does your product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Mise en scene

Our Production
"When It Comes To The Crunch"

Professional Production
"This Morning"

Professional Production
"Stolen Children"

Professional Product
"Bought and Sold"

  • I have followed the codes and conventions of a real media production.
  • I have done this as I have used a mise en scene that anchors the person's relevance to the subject of the interview.
  • For example the screenshot of my production is an interview with a cooking teacher and the mise en scene of the shot is a office.


Our Production
"When It Comes To The Crunch - Pink Day Interview"

Professional Production
"Twilight: New Moon" Cast Interviews

Profession Product
"Man On Earth"

  • I have also followed the codes and conventions here as I have used the same graphics as a professional documentary would have.
  • The graphics on the screen are needed to show and tell the audience who is speaking and how they are relevant to the interview.
  • The graphics underneath the name of the interviewee is always a smaller font.
  • To follow codes and conventions the graphics are on either the left or right hand side of the screen and are usually the opposite side of the interviewee. Also the eyeline of the interviewee is 1/3 down the screen.

    Still Images

    Our Product
    "When It Comes To The Crunch" - Still image cutaway.

    Professional Product
    "Clevver TV"
    Presenter is speaking whilst two still images formed into one appear on the screen.


    Before Dissolve

    During Dissolve

    After Dissolve

Question Two: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancilliar tasks?

Our advert is landscape, this is because it is a versitile shape and will work more ways than it would portrait. Therefore landscape is the correct shape for a bilboard if the campaign was outside of newspapers.

This is our print advert, a newspaper and a billboard.

This is our advert collaged with front covers of newspapers it would appear in.

  • The image on our newspaper advert is relevant to our documentary.
  • We chose to use this image as it is simple but clever as two members of audience during our audience research identifies "Background, is simple but cathes your eye.","Slogan is very good." "Are you a dunker."
  • The image we used is a mature ladies hand "Dunking" a biscuit into a cup of tea.
  • Therefore it all links together that people normally dunk thier biscuits into milk, our documentary is about biscuits and the picture is relevant to our slogan.
  • Our documentary, Print advert and Radio advert all link together.
  • Throughout our Radio trailer we have put parts of our actual documentary into it for example our voxpop, and clips of our interview.
  • We have also used the same voiceover for both our Documentary and Radio advert to make it all work and link together as the voiceover is the "glue".

Question Three: What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

  • To gather audience feedback we decided to do a focus group.
  • To do this we had to gather around 10-15 people to come and watch our documentary, see our print advert and listen to our radio advert.
  • We then asked the audience 8 questions such as "Does the 5minutes make you want to watch the whole 30minutes?" to gather information we needed.

    Answer's from our audience.

  • Name: Ben
    Age: 18
    Question: "What would you say are the strenghts throughout our documentary?"
    Answer: " Strengths are the music, the interviews especially the ones with the elderly, the voxpop and the rationing historical part."

Question: "If there are any weaknesses in our documentary what would you say they were?"

"The only weakness I can think of is that the Jaffacake interview ends too quickly."

"The writing of the names at the end of the documentary were not on the page enough."

Name: Jess
Age: 17
Question: "Who would you say is the target audience of our documentary?"
Answer: "Anyone, families mostly but any ages really."
"Yes, ITV1 documentaries are usually aimed at families so there isn't any specific age just like ur documentary."

Question: "Would you say the camera work during our documentary looks professional and where?"

"Yes, the camera work when the old woman is eating her biscuits."

"Yes" No-body out of the audience said it wasn't."

    "Voiceover fitted in very well."

    Name: James
    Age: 19
    Question: "After watching the 5minutes would you want to watch the whole documentary or not?"
    Answer: "Yes it made you want to watch the whole thing."

      "Background, is simple but cathes your eye."

      "Slogan is very good." "Are you a dunker."

      Our audience feedback taught me ....

      • That everybody in our audience said that the 5minutes would make them want to watch the whole programme.

      • Our documentary is just as professional as a actual professional product.

      • That we were sucessfull at aiming our documentary at our target audience which was "families" and the majority of the audience agreed.

      • Only two people in our audience said that there was a weakness which was the jaffacake interview ended abit too quickly, and the graphics at one part of the documentary were not fully on the screen.

      • 90% of our audience loved our slogan "Are you a dunker?" and thought it went very well with out documentary and the topic of "Biscuits".

      Question Four: In what ways did you use technology?

      My mood board identifying the use of technology I have used to produce my documentary.


      • During filming our documentary we had to use different forms of technology.
      • Such as: digital camera's, tripods, video camera's, clip microphone and a hand held microphone.
      • During doing my evaluation I have had to use forms of technology such as a digital camera and a voice recorder.
      • I have had to use a digital camera to get all of my still images needed, and the need of a voice recorder has been to collect my answer's for my audience feedback.


      • Throughout capturing our documentary we had to go through the process of editing it all to the way we wanted it, the programme used to do this is "Adobe Premier".

      Archieve Material

      • In sections of our documentary especially the ending we have used Archieve Material such as images, websites needed for our research and songs such as the pink panther theme tune

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