Thursday, October 1, 2009


Purpose of documentaries-To document i.e. reports with evidence something that has actually happened. It can show this by using actuality footage or reconstruction.

Mediated information
They don’t show everything, they just show bits that interest the audience which is often the music.

Types of documentaries
There are 6 main types;

Fully narrated (e.g. natural history documentaries)
An off screen voiceover is used to narrate the programme. It makes sense of the visuals and anchors their meaning. The voice over links everything together to create the narrative.

Fly on the wall (e.g. Katie and Peter)
Origins are in cinema verite (truth). The camera is unobtrusive and filming (observing) real life.

Combination of interview, observation and narration to advance the narration

When the subjects of the documentary acknowledge the presence of the camera and often speak directly to the film maker.

Docudrama (Drama documentary)
A re-enactment or reconstruction of events as they are supposed to have happened.

Docusoap (Soap opera)
Recent phenomenon
This follows a group of people and their daily lives and they each become characters in each episode.

Construction of reality
It is constructed for the audience and is also edited.

Game keeping
Is all about selection and rejection of information.

Narrative structure

Different types of narrative structure.

Open vs. Closed – can only be one or the other.
Open means that there are loose ends and questions unanswered. The audience is then left to make up their own minds.
Closed means that all loose end are tied up and there is no questions remaining (e.g. the film “King Kong” is simply closed)

Single strand vs. Multi strand
Single strand means that there is one narrative running throughout.
Multi strand means that there is more than one narrative. They sometimes crossover or converge.

Linear vs. Non- linear
Linear means Chronological order. Events follow the order of time. Things happen in order (e.g. the 9/11 documentary).
Non-linear means that it does not follow time, e.g. the use of flashback and flash forward.

Circular narrative
Usually are which begins with a question and throughout the programme you get evidence that is relevant to the question (in a circle).

Documentary Analysis

Title of programme-The devil made me do it.

Type of documentary- Mixed -Interviews. Actuality footage, archive material were used.

• Religion
• Youths culture
• The power of the media- did Manson’s music and videos influence the teenagers?
• Good vs. evil (Binary opposition Levi-Strauss)

Narrative Structure
• Open narrative structure- question not answered
• Single strand- single thing which was the murder of the nun
• Non-linear- plays around with the interviews/like we are watching flashbacks of what happened.

• Interviews- CU or MCU and framed at the right hand side of the screen or left hand side.
• The Manson interview is filmed in low angle and his interview is the only one in this shot which makes him appear powerful.
• The lightening of his interview, half of his face is light and the other half is dark which shows the contrast between good vs. evil.
• A lot of religious icony.
• Long shots of deserted streets.
• Direct contrast as at one point the town is deserted and has religious icony and then next there is out of control teenagers all around the town.
• Handheld camera work of actuality footage which is used so the camera can respond to unpredictable action.
• The camera observes other media, we (audience) are not positioned as members of that media. The camera is behind the camera men as their recording something else as we record them.

• Interviews- the mise-en-scene tells us and shows us about the person’s personality, life style and who they are.
• Police man is carefully constructed. It isn’t all just there they specifically want it all to be there.
• Religious icony. The contrast between the tradition town etc and all the out of control teenagers are in the same town.
• Interviews are naturalistically lightening.
• Manson then makes himself looks like a hipercrit by walking into Mc Donald’s which is one of the most known fast food restaurants in the city.

• Music- Religious Choral music and Manson’s music.
• Sound effects e.g. heartbeat, whispering, and church bells.
• Voiceover- Narrator of the programme is male, young and speaks Standard English, no clear accent but is actually Scottish. He is basically the glue that keeps the bits together.
• Voiceovers- Translating Italian. Each voice reflected gender and age of the Italian person.

• Cut and cross cutting – this is because the editing must NOT distract the attention of the audience.
• Fade to black and fade from black- to show passage of time.
• Montage was used at the beginning to catch the audience’s attention.
• Editing is used to have PACE
• Long take (pan)
• Edits on heartbeat
• Juxtaposition- Direct contrast between what you are seeing (gothic kids at Manson’s concert) and what you are hearing (Religious Choral music).

Archive material
• Manson’s videos
• Italian TV talk show
• American TV muse
• Newspaper cuttings

• The title was unique and had a gothic font etc and a cross in one of the letters also indication good vs. bad.
• Graphics used at the end of the programme to tell us about the 3girls and what they received for committing a murder e.g. in prison.
• Text appeared on the screen anchoring who we were watching and how they relate to the topic and who they are.
• Date & time appeared on the screen showing that the documentary took a period time to make.

Documentary Analysis

Title of programme: Music Biz- The marketing of Meatloaf.

Type of documentary: Mixed- Interviews, actuality footage etc.

• Marketing the music industry
• Image creation: The way meatloaf’s image is created
• Manipulation of audiences/ power of the media, the media can manipulate the audience into buying CD’s etc.

Narrative Structure
• Non-linear
• Single strand
• Closed narrative
• Circular-starts with press conference etc and ends the same way

• Low angle
• Interviews we either left or right of the screen-close up or medium close up
• One interview-the man being interviewed is being filmed on his side. Just the side of his head which creates a barrier towards the audience because of no eye contact.
• Handheld at actuality footage/music video and press conference
• Camera positions us (audience) as observers
• Point of view shot (POV) in the betting shop
• Panning/zoom- both used for still images makes it more interesting
• Number of interviews with meatloaf/at least 4 different times/locations etc

• CHROMAKEY – Blue or green screen is used as the background for example the weather forecast
• Background can be relevant to what is being spoken about
• Background of interview are all relevant to the person being interviewed

• Voiceover- male, speak Standard English, very sarcastic, opinionated and he is the glue that holds the narrative together
• Meatloaf music
• Heartbeat (sound effect)
• Classic string and music is used to build up suspense
• Interview background sound is completely silent
• All questions were edited out

• Cut
• Dissolve when there’s a image then another one appears
• Spin effect
• Montage (2) different American TV programmes and when he was asked what would you do for love, several people asked him
• Fast motion- outside HMV at night people wizzing past
• Slow motion- meatloaf just walking into a building

Archive material
• Top of the pops
• Chat show
• Music videos
• Grammar awards
• News programmes
• News programmes
• Newspapers
• Website

• Logo for the title of the series “The biz” and then the name etc.
• Graphics anchor who the people are and their relevance to the topic
• Graphics were super exposed over images
• Title scrolled across the screen at the end of the programme which is NOT conventional, the title normal shoots up the top of the screen

Documentary Analysis

Title of documentary: That thing/Lara Croft

Type of documentary: Mixed, voice over’s, interview’s and achieve material

• Icons
• Feminism
• Power of the media
• Representation of media

Narrative structure:
• Closed narrative
• Single strand
• Non-linear

• Interviews were either left or right of the screen
• Zoom/pans across people on computers
• Interviews are mainly close ups
• Tilted framing – Big close up
• Medium close up

• Chromakey
• A lot of the chromakey the background was out of focus to draw the audience to what is in focus
• Interviews are well lit
• Font projection – projector is over the woman’s face who is being interviewed
• The creator of Lara Croft is treated like a computerised character

• Voice over man standard English, young because it’s for games – appropriate and relaxed
• Music and sounds from the game all the way through
• Madonna music was played because Madonna was mentioned
• Music signifies that the target audience is young

• Fast motion is used
• Simple cutting

Archive material:
• Websites
• Extracts from the game
• E-mails
• Nike advert
• Interview with Angelina Jolie

• Graphics are always on the opposite side of the screen than the person
• The line with the name (top line) is always bigger than the second line which explains who they are and how they relate to the doc
• Don’t use capital letters.

Documentary Analysis

Title of documentary: My shocking story

Type of documentary: Mixed, voice over’s, interview’s and achieve material

• Overweight American children
• Obesity
• Friendship
• What problems obesity causes for children (heart attacks)
Narrative structure:
• Closed narrative
• Single strand
• Non-linear

• Interviews were either left or right of the screen
• Fast motion when young girl is on PC
• Interviews are mainly close ups
• Over the shoulder shot
• Medium close up

• Woman walking down corridor, perfect lightening, followed by mellow music
• Deserted street, almost like a dessert
• Chromakey
• Dextors bedroom is a boys boys room
• Interview lightening is carefully set

• Narrator – man – Standard English – old voice
• Children in background playing basketball
• Train going past
• Relaxation music
• Mum and Dad cheering when Dextor arrives home
• Blending machine

• Cut in and cross cutting
• Simple cutting

Archive material:
• Basketball court
• Fat camp
• Canteen
• Library
• Swimming pool
• CafĂ©

• Graphics are always on the opposite side of the screen than the person
• Text appears on the screen anchoring who the interviewees are
• White basic font

Documentary Analysis

Title of documentary: World war 11: The Apocalypse

Type of documentary: Fly on the wall

• German soldiers
• Natzi’s
• Peace
• France
• War

Narrative structure:
• Fully narrated
• Multi strand
• Non-linear
• Open narrative

• Zoom across men in silence
• Close up of the map
• Handheld so all the footage and action is captured
• Side shot

• Wasn’t any interviews

• Music is played straight away to attract the audience
• Buildings burning
• Pigs
• Explosions
• Children crying and screaming
• Mellow music
• Suspense music
• “Zappers” belt out their song
• Guns
• Bombs
• Soldiers running through the water
• Narrator is constantly speaking, English, mature voice(late 30’s-40’s) Standard English

• Cut in and cross cutting
• Simple cutting
• Low angle the woman is getting of the train with her baby
• Fade to black and fade from black to show the passage of time

Archive material:
• Map
• German tanks

• The date of the year is often shown to identify and keep the audience’s attention
• When German’s speak the script of what their saying appears in english

Codes & Conventions of documentaries

Type: Mixed

Themes: Power of the media

• Background of interviews is important, chromakey or location, backdrop etc.
• Lightening can be used creatively in interviews

Narrative structure:
• Open or closed narrative
• Linear or non-linear
• Circular
• Single strand – all documentaries

Camera work:
• Interviews – left or right of the screen
• 1/3 rule (eye line)
• Close up or medium close up
• Handheld – actuality footage
• Variety of shot types and camera movement used to substain the audiences attention
• Pan/zoom on still images

• Voiceover – narrator, standard English, the glue that holds the narrative together, age & gender, sets the scene, introduces the topics, links items and concludes the narrative
• Music is used as a bed (music bed) everything lies on top of it
• Relevant to the topic
• Can heighten the emotion

• All questions edited out
• Background noise on interviews kept to a minimum
• Sound effects used in reconstruction (never in interviews)

• Cut is the most common editing is not obtrusive (the editing) so it does not distract the audience
• Dissolve
• Editing are kept to minimum
• All questions are edited out
• Fade to black and from black
• Montage can be used at the beginning to give the audience a clue to what the doc is
• Montage of interviews of a topic or archive material to emphasis a point

Archive material:
• Films
• Videos
• TV
• Newspaper
• Magazines
• Audio
• Websites
• Still images
All relevant to what has been spoken about.

• Title is unique in someway (logo)
• Name and relevance to topic anchor who the interviewees are
• Top line and name are always the biggest
• Typography and colours are simple
• Creates at the end conventionally scroll up
• Super imposed over archive material to anchor a period of time
• Subtitles where necessary

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